Examples of Urgent, Non-Urgent & Non-Safeguarding Cases
Urgent cases – requiring a call to SAT
- Suicide attempts / plan (may need to call emergency services first)
- Radicalisation / terrorism (as above if imminent)
- Threats to harm others (as above if imminent)
- Any allegations of abuse or cases where there is a suspected perpetrator, such as:
- domestic violence
- physical or sexual abuse
- psychological / emotional abuse
- modern slavery / human trafficking
- neglect
- financial / economic abuse
- discriminatory abuse
- organisational or institutional abuse
Non-Urgent cases – can be emailed to SAT
- Suicide ideation
- Poor physical or mental health leading to risk of harm
- Ongoing cases
Non-Safeguarding – SAT does not need to be notified
- Age Dispute (raise referral with Refugee Services instead)
- Homelessness (unless children involved or health/disability welfare issue)
- Families requiring food vouchers
- Individuals struggling with cost-of-living crisis